for a buddy from high school, an old neighbor, a long gone heartthrob? Shout it out here...

WHERE IN THE WORLD are my friends from the 60's; Jimmy Dees, who lived
on Idlewood near Dogwood; Flossie Ziegler and Marsha Murphy, two neighbors on Idlewood; Diane Maus, a classmate at St.
Bart's; Dean Bennett, who lived near Roberts school; Vince Lilja. I moved away in 1963. John Marx can be
reached at johnmarx@chorus.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Colleen Murphy from Colonial Village Drive? We went to Cosmetology (Forbes Trail) together in 1983 and would
love to get in touch with her! THANKS! Sandra Leisifer sleisifer@comcast.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS anyone from Hebron
School 1960-1965- Hello, anyone from Mrs Clause's 1st grade (in the old building)...she told us Santa was her husband to make
us behave, the "cloak room.", having to go across to the NEW
school for lunch..why would they do that to little 1st graders???? Can't remember. 2nd grade teachers names...3rd was
Mrs. Berman...4th Mrs Kusick (in her class when Pres. Kennedy was shot)...Mr Grovey...only male teacher,,,5th, loved him.....We
lived at the corner of Penny Dr and Beaulah....next door to the Tynors....Names I can remember...Marybeth Hunter, Betsy Lenighan,
Amy Plummer????anyone???? Thanks, Dana Anderson Dana123497@aol.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE Amy Valenti and Joe
Rauso? Patty Hamley Holland trsh.holland@gmail.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Ben Hurr? He lived in PH on Highland Rd. and we always hung out on his
front porch watching all the cars cruisin'. When the movie Ben Hurr came
out in the 60's we would kid him about being famous. Ben had a real sweet 65 Chevy
Malibu Convert - 327 4spd, light blue - I still would like to have one just like that.
Also, Dan and Don were twins and graduated in '66. They lived off
Duff Rd. back then and drove a '57 Ford. After I was drafted I lost contact with all in PH. If anyone knows their whereabouts
kindly let me know. To all in PH - we grew up in a great place our parents made for us, and I thank all of them for
this. Frank Klein '66 fcklein@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mark Ranatore? He was my best buddy when we were at Roberts elementary. I remember how much he
made me laugh. I still remember some of the joke he told me to this day. Where are you now? Stewart Hopkins '69
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mike Jones? He was my best friend all though grade school. He
lived on Dogwood Dr just down from Idlewood Rd. in Pennridge Park from 1957-1964. His family moved and I finally lost track
of him. Where are you now? Stewart Hopkins '69 clubchamp01@yahoo.com
Murphy? She was my best girl buddy as kids in grade school. We are the same age so she was a classmate. I moved to another
area in Penn Hills and then lost touch except to see her in passing over the years. Where are you now? Stewart Hopkins
'69 clubchamp01@yahoo.com
Warner? She was a friend of mine through grade school and we went to the same church, Beulah, for a while. Years passed
until around 11th grade I saw her only a few times. Where are you now? Stewart Hopkins '69 clubchamp01@yahoo.com
Randy Phillippe? He was a very close friend when we kids at Roberts Elementary.
His mother was a lunch lady there and then later at PHHS. Where are you now? Stewart Hopkins '69 clubchamp01@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS my dear old friend Karen Flanagan who would be from the class of '70?
I see her in your 35th reunion photos. I would appreciate any help in forwarding this message
to her. I have tried to locate her on Facebook with no luck. I can be reached
on Facebook or by mobile phone at 619-847-7914. Paul Fusco pfusco1@cox.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE Amber Julian & Jan Willis from "74"? A lot of us have tried and failed to locate
either one of them...thanks alot and happy holidays. Dakota Dian Pellegrino tulsa1518@zoominternet.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE 2 old friends of mine.. both graduated from PH in '74, Teena Scheib
who I believed lived on Beulah Rd. and Norma Wilding who lived on Idlewild Dr...I would appreciate any feedback on either
one thanks, Dian Pellegrino
IN THE WORLD Are where in the world are Mari Godino and Debbie Fiore, class of '75? If anyone knows, I would
love to get in touch with them. Thanks Cindy Fazio-Merola cin0405@aol.com
IN THE WORLD IS Sharon Fetherstone '71? I've been looking for her for a while. Can
anyone help? Debbie Dewey Koehler '72
WORLD Are the Carr sisters, Karen (class of 71??) , Debbie aka Deborah Carr now married
to Bob Fisher (he attended gateway)? Debbie got engaged on her prom night! 36 yrs of marriage (glad it works for my Aunt lol).
Debbie graduated I believe '74, Debbie's 3yrs younger than Karen, then Margaret aka Peggy J. Carr, my Mom, who passed away in 2000, born in 1951, but was forced to quit school very early, not bcuz of me lol. Peggy
later got her GED & went on to college to become a Registered Nurse @ Mercy Hospital, lived in the Shadyside, Highland
Park area up until her passing. My mom, Peggy has been gone for over a decade & wouldn't even be 60 yrs old yet! i miss
her terribly, she was my world, it would mean a great deal to me to hear from anyone who knew her and also my aunts. Thank u
ever so much from the bottom of my heart! :) fondly, Heidi Carr~Morra heidimorra@rocketmail.com
McKinley, class of '72? I graduated with her. Kevin M Connolly
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Kevin Baker from the class of 71?
Thanks. Barbara Ann Ressler
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Jerry Moran? He saved me one night back in 1965-66. His dad was on the police force and he drove an awesome dark blue comet…really
fast car…not as fast as mine though. I think he may have graduated in 1965 or '64, not sure. He always called
me “Blondie” Marlene M. Snyder (Kingan) '66. mks48@hughes.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Denise Amato Class of '72? Jim Charrie
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Jacki Storm, class of 70? Just wondering how she
is after all these years. Darlene Dicaprio
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Sherman Sproule or Skip Stilutto,
class of '67? They seem to have dissappeared of the face of the earth! Patricia Shibbish-Zaher
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE Bill & Wayne Wren, the twins '71? Joanne Ogden joanneogden@comcast.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Michelle Maroni Class of '75? Does anyone know how I can contact her? Patricia Coll finewine88@live.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Lisa Berg, Class of 1980? Is anyone in touch with her? MaryLynn Buonarosa
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Debbie Larkin? Class of 1975... Pamala Trujillo '75
IS Joanne Shore, Class of 71? Donald
J Hoffman '71
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Gary Lilly? He was a graduate of Penn Hills
High, I think in 1965. Anybody have any leads? Marshall
R. Krug '64
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Pamela Stine, Penn Hills
High Class of 1965? It would be great to see her at a reunion. Ronald Thomas '65 ron@ronthomas.org
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Joe Simpson and Pam Moore from the class
of 1969, and Donald Collins, Class of 1966... Carol Stover
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Chuck Marshall [Charles]
class of '69 or '70 --used to live on Foltz Drive...we were friends growing up--would like to find him. Sue Caldwell sueceledonia@hotmail.com
Miller, class of 1976, lived on Cypress Hill Dr. We lost touch in 1989 when she got married and I
relocated. I don't know her married name and her last known address was Palm Bay, FL. If anyone knows anything,
please email me @ jdulongnh@yahoo.com. John DuLong
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Nina Folino (class
of ’71)??? We were best
friends in high school and kept in touch for several years afterwards when she married and moved to Detroit.
We lost touch when she remarried, and I don’t know her new name. Thanks, Cindy (Kress) Safran cindysthechef@yahoo.com.
Gallo Rorhbach (sp)-She lived on Jefferson Road, second or third house from the Faith Church.
I lived at 521 Jefferson and I had laughs with her like no other. Her family, especially her mother changed my life!!!
Any info would thrill me. Jeanne Watson jwrites@sbcglobal.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS the Brayton family or the
Cullen Family from Penn Hills Park? Marti
Vogt '68 mvogt@mindspring.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Tony Macaluso and Jim McCombs? I graduated in '73 with Jim and Tony graduated in '72. Anyone know
where they are now? We had a lot of fun when we were in high school. I think Jim is in Texas and Tony may be in Florida, not sure. If so, contact me Audrey Monaco Class of '73 at audreyd426@hotmail.com.
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS the Rauso family
from Filmore Dr? Joe (1971), Aggie(1972) Peter, Darlene, Brian? Patty Hamley is wondering what they are doing now. Trish Holland kcbuzzrd@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Danielle Santella,
class of 1970. Danielle and I went to IUP, and to Spain together also. Please
contact Linda at la18@andrew.cmu.edu
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Cherie Gulla, class of '75?
I relocated from PGH 30yrs ago and would love to reconnect. She lived on Dashwood Dr. in Verona. Anybody know where she is?
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE the kids who hung around near OLMBS school
and church in the 60’s Tish. ljdmc@verizon.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE Linda and Donna D'Amico class of 1970?
Please contact Dan at OUBcat1@aol.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Jimmie Poli, from the Argons..class of 68.
My always love..Marti Worner class of '70 0...marti2186@hotmail.com Find me..love to talk
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE are Barbara Haack, Joe Rauso,
Amy Valenti, and Patty Boyle from the class of '71? William Holland kcbuzzrd@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Sharon Oldenski, class
of '70? If you know where she is let me know, NANA THE GREAT STAUFFER
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Craig Wyke? He taught English when I was
a senior in ’84. Margo (Ebbitt)Studnicki
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mary Kate Smith '76? We were
good friends but lost touch many, many years ago. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Mary Kate,
please contact me. Paula (Signore) Abbott '76 abbottms17@comcast.net
They used to live on Yosemite Drive in Penn Hills Park. Bill was at Reese Air Force Base in 1973
or 1974. Does anyone know???? Also Bob and Patty Braydon who lived in Penn Hills Park on Shenandoah? The Walsh family--John, Ann,
Mary, and Michael Walsh are missing from the radar. Contact mvogt@mindspring.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Jim Bourne who lived
on Shannon Road? The last I heard he worked in Florida for an airline. Thanks,
Ron Laufer rlaufer8122@verizon
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Leslie Kharouf? Leslie and I
were good friends at Clarion State College (1970-1971). Cathy Bartholomew
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS (Air-Force Buddy) Trushel who might
have gone to Penn Hills. I know he lived there about 1967-8; his given name was Thomas, but could have been William Trushel. He
went to University
of Pittsburgh for a couple of years. Appreciate any help. Mike
Padgett pad7100@earthlink.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Pat Auble? I was a student at Linton in the late
60's. I graduated in '71. I am very interested in contacting Pat, a music teacher at Linton. I last saw Pat in 1989. I've
been unable to locate her using the internet and the phone book. Any information from you will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Sue Glesky itrack4u@msn.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Wayne Sigmund? Denis Altenburger '70
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mark Larentonda? He
graduted from Churchill
in 1978, but hung out with us Penn Hills Folks. Was good friends with
Marty Testa (now deceased) and Dan Snider (formerly from Macfarlane Dr). If anyone remembers the Village Pub on Long
Road, you will know who I am talking about. Have been thinking of him often over the years, just wondered if he's still
around. Diana (Marsh) Rowan rabbitwoman82@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Carlos Smith, class of 1978 ? We haven't
seen or heard anything about him since our very first class reunion. We're
thinking of you !~ Tina (Mangretta) and Jim McCoy '78 Ymhajiim@aol.com
an old friend Charles Gibson whom I have no idea where he is anymore. When I was going to Penn High, I lived at 5733
Front St., across the street from Dr. Wheary, my HS principal. Charles Gibson is the son of our Jr. High principal John Gibson.
Chuck and I grew up together as kids but I lost him. Chuck graduated in 1959 and if you could pass along any information about
his whereabouts or link me up with the contact person for the class of 1959 I would appreciate that very much. Please feel
free to pass along information about myself to Charles Gibson or other helping individuals. John D. Budd '60 18
Myrna Dr., Marlborough, CT 06447 Phone: (860) 295-9402 buddjd@sbcglobal.net
IN THE WORLD IS Jody Badali,
lived on MacFarlane Drive in the fifties. Chris Baker cbaker@Northlich.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Lou Giacco (his dad owned the hardware store near me)? What
about Jimmy and Lennie Schavone? I have tried to find Lois Titterington (class of 1963) without success. Judy
Myer annikins1@aol.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE some of the people who "hung out" on Thon Drive during
the 60's? What happened to the TDG'S? What ever happend to "old Lady Thon"? How about the old Thad Stevens
Elementary? Cindy Kerchner cindy.kaucic@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Sharon Barzen-Hopkins? I have thought about her for years and wandered where
she relocated. Stefanie (Orlando) Raspotnik sraspo@phsd.k12.pa.us
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE the parents of Mark Boyd? Mark, a friend of mine from school,
died when we were 15. He would have been a '76 graduate. Now that I am turning 50, I would like to try to locate his
parents, if they are still alive. I would like to write a letter to them to let them know how often I remember their
son. Their names are James and Wilma Boyd (I kept the obituary).
They must be in their 70s by now, so who knows if they are still here. Do you have any knowledge of how I could try
to locate them? Just a shot in the dark... Thanks, Jan (Johnson) Haddad '76 jazzy.jan@comcast.net
IN THE WORLD IS Nancy Aber? She lived on Vantine Street, class of '63 or '64. Anyone know where she is?
I was a Trafford boy dating a Penn Hills girl back then. Jon Fresch jonfresch@bluemarble.net
Steve Zecowski? Mother Lena, father Steve. He lived behind St. Barts. I think his brother and sister still live in Penn Hills.
His mother passed away in April. Please contact Lisa Arena Urban, posiedriver@aol.com
) GERVASONI. '72 angeloanddeb@alltel.net
IN THE WORLD IS any one from the class of 1984? I have spoke to Jimmy Rocco, but not many others. James
(Jim) Jennings ‘84 jenningsj@universityacademy.org
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE any of the Hershey Road
boy's from the Universal area years of 1960 thru 1970. Who still remembers Caseys meatball
sandwiches? carnut1929@bellsouth.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Rege Stehle? I think he graduated in 1963.
I hear that he owned a bar in Penn Hills. Cheri Blum cheri@trianglesales.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Lynda Tierney and Lisa Arena? Wendy
(Dubois) Regets '68 wendy.regets@peoples.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Linda Mackley and Elaine Winkleman???? They
were my 2 very best friends in the world. The last I knew, Linda was a professional drummer in NYC, used to be married to Adam, and Elaine
got married the week before I did (my first time) on August 6th). I would love to meet up with them. Mary Natlis Waldbaum
'76 mrywaldbaum@yahoo.com
last I saw of him was in 7th or 8th grade. He would have graduated in 1977 but I think he
moved away. Mary Natlis Waldbaum '76 mrywaldbaum@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS ANYONE from the Class of 76? Mary
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Phil HemHem? Michael Yossa
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS the substitute teacher “Birdman’?
Who was he really? He was this blonde freaky sub who brought in a tarantula and it fell out of his hand onto the floor and
everyone freaked! I don’t know why they called him Birdman. Dolly Hornick '79
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mr. Potter? was my guidance counselor from 4th grade to 12th grade. I graduated 1997.
I am not sure you have a contact for him or not. I didn't see him on the staff line up. If you could pass my e-mail
address on to him and see if he would e-mail me that would be great. I think a lot of him and just wanted to see
what he was up to. I know that it has been ten years, so I hope that you might be able to help me. Thank you, Chad Tingen '97
Class of '79? I am researching the photograph (1861 ambrotype) of a Pennsylvania civil war soldier, Monroe Beige and I'm
attempting to reach Mary Beth Angus. I just found her posted in your Class of 1979 reunion photos after searching her
name on Google. This is in reference to her genealogy rootsweb query in February, 1999 regarding the Monroe Beige family
of Crawford County, PA. The email address she left is apparently an old one and my attempt came back undeliverable. If
you would please pass my email address to her it would be appreciated. Thanks!
Major Burton Williams, US Army retired, Boise, Idaho. email: ohlode@cableone.net
Costello, Wendy Patterson, and Colleen Fitzgerald? I Think they graduated in 1970. I moved away in 1967-68. Please contact
me at marcilyn68@aol.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Sue Schrello class of 1980? Bob Riddinger '80
Highlands Aqua Swim Club team photos from the mid 1960's through the early 1970's? Bob Ball (1976) bob.ball@transcore.com
have been trying to find out what happened to her for the past 30 years. I would love to know if anyone knows. Dorothy (Dolly) Karpiak DePellegrin dmd789@comcast.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE any and all friends
and followers of my band the Defectors...Mark Stefanides'76 GRETSCHGUYY@AOL.COM
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Sherri Tielsch '81? I have been trying to get in touch with
her for a long time. Laurie Baumann, Trumbull, CT PastPerformances@aol.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Stew (Stu?) Miller '77. Swim Team, West Liberty College? IUP?tobydoc@msn.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Krishna Melendez? (class
of '98). She was a foreign exchange student from Mexico who came to attend 12th. I'm sure of her first name, but
not too sure of her last name. Thanks, Unnamalai Narayanan unnamalai.narayanan@cerner.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Jack Bish whom I believe was in
the class of '60. We were friends at PSU. Martye Cohen martye@fast.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Linda (Blough) Wakefield class
of 1965. Bill Oliver and Betty (Crawford)(Woods) Oliver want to know. beanwo@yahoo.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Judy Fields, Spring Johnson
class of 1975. Any info on them contact me cjs11@adelphia.net Cathy (Jones) Smierciak '75. In the subject line put Penn Hills.
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE many of my 1976 classmates?
The reunion committee is looking for you! Contact me at Jazzy.jan@comcast.net . Jan Johnson '76
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Kathy Link, Class of 1965? Contact me at robin@winfirst.com Robin George
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE my old neighbors, the Schrocks and Yaklichs. I haven't been
back to Penn Hills in 15 years... just curious. Barbara Girdich, Class of '75 mckeever@iqcisp.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mr. Edward Hoover? Is he still living? He was the principal @ the highschool when I went there.
Lottie Anndrea (Townsend)
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Greg Humes, Joe McDermott, Colleen Donkin, Johnny Shelton, Nancy Shelton
and Carol Mallick? Pierro “Pete” Thompson pthompson@novonics.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Corine Tuttle from PHHS Class of 1965? I
attended North Hills High School in the 70's ... Corine Tuttle was my voice teacher. Mitchell Costa... mcosta@cox.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Jess James? If you have any contact with
him, please send me an e-mail. I've been looking for him a looooooooong time. Diane (Dorsey) Racine '70
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Doug Chismar? Denis
Altenburger altenburgerde@upmc.edu
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Sherry Davis, class of '77 and Diane Cicco, Class
of '75. I have some very important information to pass along about Carol Falvo Weissert, class of '77. Please
contact her sister Ginny @ gmolly2001@yahoo.com.
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Dan Watson,class of 1975? Dave Maxwell '75. Contact me at kpmadmax@comcast.net
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Sue Harris (lived in Rosedale) Class of 1970.
Please reply to John Connelly jstor66@yahoo.com.
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Janice O'Rourke, (or any one in her family)?
believe her father and uncles owned a trucking/moving company,this was around the year of 1965-69? Please help,
need to find the family or if anyone knows of them , it would be greatly appreciated. pheasent26@comcast.net Thanks Gabby.
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mr. Allan?(U.S . History, The
Penn Hills Moving Chess Team)... Denis Altenburger '70
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Carol Litschge Class of 1964? If
anyone knows where she is or how to contact her please let me know. bmangan1@netzero.net Bernadette Mangan '64
Jacquie Turner and Sara Grant 1969, Mary Badali 1972, Barb Whalen 1974. Please email me at sherry.bennett@verizon.net Sherry Bennett '70
WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE many of our classmates from the Penn Hills
class of 1979? The reunion date is set for July 23, 2005, Saturday at the Churchill Country Club.
Invitations will be out in the next 2-3 weeks. For further details, see the Reunion page on this website - Bkhmmn69@aol.com Carrie Good '79
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Janet DeCecco ‘71, Bruce
Fetterman, Tricia McMahon, John Sheldon, Michele Zuckett? I
would love to try and locate them. Thanks Pete.Thompson@gd-ais.com Pierro “Pete” Thompson '71
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Terry Headrick '68 or Ed Russo
'69....just wonderin how they are, and anyone else who remembers me. pstahovic@yahoo.com Patty Stahovic '68
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Carrie Sterner and Theresa Saccamango? I
never did get to go to PHHS. I moved away in 1989, but would've been in the class of 1991. Tracy.Cox@bhcpns.org Tracy Cox
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Mary Cosentino '73? Her e-mail address in
her profile is no longer valid. irshcwby@bellsouth.net Sharon (Heitlinger) McLane,
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Patty O'Donald or O'Donnell from approx.
between the years 66-69. I know someone that has been trying to find her for years and years. Please in Email put "Penn Hills"
in the subject line. Sweater32@aol.com Colleen Long '70
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Patricia Miller, class of '76 and Timothy Arnold,
class of '75? I would love to try and locate them. Thanks, jdulongnh@yahoo.com John DuLong
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Charlene Cowan '68 or
Tim Dileo '67? I'm trying to find them. Please let me know.. thanks ....Karen Davis
'68 Kldreal@aol.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Cheryl Holmes, Bobbie Keller, Sue Bissell, Patty
Columbus, and David Waxman? All were graduates, I believe, of The Class of 1963. Please contact Pam at
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Debbie McCoy, Eleanor Meyers and Eileen
Matela. Does any one know the location and any info on my three Roberts Ele. School friends? We graduated grammar
school in 1960. Also my father was a Penn Hills High teacher and coach from 1954 until 1960.(long
time ago, I realize).His name was Mel Munson. Any way would loveto get some responses concerning my "lost friends" and people
who knew my dad. He is 84 and would love to know about some who remember him.He grew up in Edgewood and PennHills. Thanks Susan
Munson TJSJOwen@aol.com
have had him on my mind for a while and can not seem to find him. He graduated in 1972. His father was a policeman in
Penn Hills. I think his dad is in Cranberry Pa now. If anyone knows him or where he can be reached please email Vivian
Coates at joblessv@lycos.com
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Karl Ettmyer, Jimmy
Sarver, Bob Wiebel, Dale Schwepki, Rick Everal, Linda Russo, Pete Lambert, Dee Gordon, Patty Demonico, (Cripe hit that past
50 year and the memory is going to recall last names), Eddie Drew, Jessie James, Mrs. Mean ( for real, she taught
science class and inspired me to be what I am today)! sweater32@aol.com Please put heading in subject line...Thanks Colleen Long Holmes '70
IS Debbie McCoy, Eleanor Meyers and Eileen Matela? Does any one know the location and any info on my three Roberts Elementary
school friends? We graduated grammar
school in 1960. TJSJOwen@aol.com Susan Munson
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Bob "Smitty" Smith '70, Al Felman '70, Diane
Jarrett '69, Colleen Fleming '70? Contact me at ugot2btru2@yahoo.com Sonny '70
Botta, Sue Drew Dishart, Gerry Dunlap, Sue McCormick Emery, Karen Gallo Giannangeli, some others were on the 10 year committee,
Tim Reeves was the Pres. Does anyone know their whereabouts so that we
can get the reunion going? Please contact me with any information. steelerfan@erols.com Bruce Bostjanick
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS Peggy Pappa Will. Anyone who has info please contact me at posiedriver@aol.com Lisa (Arena) Urban '67
Flick Class of 69, and possibly a way to contact him? Jumpr160@aol.com Tom Lockhart '71