"You Know You're Over the Hill and
From Penn Hills If":

...you remember the Putt Putt golf coarse
& Henderson's Café on Frankstown Road where A-Z Chevy used to be. Dr.Trenda
...you remember "Fishlips" Farnath, the Asst.Principal at Junior High on
Duff Road. George and Karen Pickering
...you remember smoking in the boys room
of the Eastwood theater on Friday nights. (we
would poke a hole in a lit cigarette and put the fuse of a firecracker thru it,drop it on the floor and then leave the room.
A minute later it exploded and the guys in the room ot blamed.) George and Karen Pickering
remember the carnival that would set up every year in Eastwood; I think it was St. Barts. George and Karen Pickering
...you remember caddying at Churchhill Valley Country Club? Then the older guys would get us into poker games
and take our money. Oh, yeah. Don't forget playing Huckity-Buck at the caddy shed. Brutal !! Or how you felt the first time
you carried doubles 18 holes? George and Karen Pickering
...you remember DeRoy
the cop who hung around Frankstown Eat n Park in his black Ford trying to catch us breaking traffic laws? He later on became
Mayor of Pittsburgh. George and Karen Pickering
...you remember the first time
you drove a car into the parking lot and you had to back into a space in one try or never live it down? George and Karen
...you remember the food fight at the High School cafeteria during The class
of ''61" senior dinner. George and Karen Pickering
remember we had our own Halloween Parade in the Mission Crest plan behind St Bart's with prizes for the best costumes, at
least 60 kids. J Shelton '76
...you remember throwing snowballs at cars from Walpole Dr down onto Coal Hollow Rd and then getting
chased. Also the football going over the hill and chasing it onto Coal Hollow. J Shelton '76
you remember Super games in Penn Hills Shopping Center, pickup tackle football not tag, except for girls at the high school.
Mr. Hoover with that bull horn, and standing on the high school roof catching you skip class leaving school property going
to a walkers house. Anonymous
... you remember our naive introduction to gang warfare at the hands
of the (much tougher) Larimer Avenue gang from East Liberty. Nowadays the average 13 year old in South Chicago or Crenshaw
in LA carries 100 times the firepower they did. Chris Gerding '70
... you
remember riding dirt
bikes in the woods between Universal and Frey Rd. in the Summer and watching cars slide down Frey in the Winter!!! Kevin
... you remember when you
cruised at Boyce Park every weekend throughout high school in the late 70's. Melissa Curry Mencotti'79
... you remember the Jimmy Dees that lived on Idlewood near the corner of Dogwood. We
used to throw snowballs down on to cars on Stotler Rd. So where is Flossie Ziegler
now? She lived next door to me on Idlewood.
We were classmates at St. Bart's. And where are you? John Marx,
moved away in '63
... you remember swimming
at Willows swimming pool in Oakmont. You remember loving my grandmother's baked ham sandwiches at Joe and Jenny's George
Beers '79
... you remember walking
a mile along Jefferson Road when you were in 2nd grade to buy Davy Crockett bubble gum cards at Swartzel's store. First you
needed all the orange backs and just when you thought you had them all they came out with the greenbacks. Ron Emrick
... you remember where Joannie Raab & Flossie Zeigler are...and dancing under
the streetlight at Webers house & getting paddled by Mr. Yuhas for throwing snowballs. All true Penn Ridge
boys should be able to tell me what C.I.D means... Jimmy Dees "Pip"
...you remember partying on Alcoma Gulf Course and running from the police.
Sandy Nagy '79
...you remember the back gate at Linton and that 2 grades filled
the whole school? Reene '80
you remember being bussed to Davidson School in Universal, because the "New" Hebron School wasn't finished yet. Bill Waugaman
… you remember delivering the Pittsburgh Press for Bob Sum and Bill Wick. Bill Waugaman
… you remember Friday night at the movies
at the Eastwood Theater. Bill Waugaman '62
… you remember Dickie Belotti's famous "Toilet Cake". Bill Waugaman '62
… you remember Clarence
Dible the school district Truant Officer. Bill Waugaman '62
… you remember going to Savors BBQ in Cheswick for “late night” dancing and food
after the dance. Bill Waugaman '62
… you
remember when the McDonalds at Frankstown and Duff opened. Bill Waugaman '62
you remember O’Brian and Gary and detective “Macho”. John Tiani
… you remember everyone’s fathers burned their dead leaves in the backyard on Saturdays in the fall
and your weekly allowance was a nickel for helping with the yardwork. Rev. Mary Dopler '80
remember buying your school shoes at Buster Brown’s at East Hills
Shopping Center, then went for ice cream at Isaly’s. – Rev. Mary Dopler '80
remember the post office being in Penn Hills Shopping Center across from the police station.
- Rev. Mary Dopler '80
... you remember what "The Pippin" is at Kennywood.Glenn Brandimarte
... you remember "air raid" drills in school around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Glenn Brandimarte
...you remember as a child you could go to any number of larger public
swimming pools? There was one on Rt 22w where my neighbor Mike Jones' family belonged.
I believe it was called Burke Glen near the Monroville Drive-in. Do any of them still exist? Stewart Hopkins '69
...you remember going downtown along Rt 22 and seeing and smelling the steel
mills. I always looked to see the ore cars going up and down dumping their loads into the furnaces. I am glad to see
they have been removed even though i miss them somewhat. Stewart Hopkins '69
...you remember watching or playing football as a Little Indian or a Bantam
Brad Hopkins
...you remember attending Roberts Elementary School and watched the senior high school
being built up on the hill? Stewart Hopkins '69 ...you remember Little League
tryouts at Roberts Elementary school. They attached a sheet of plastic cloth with a number on your back. I played with the Wrens and went undefeated in '63. Stewart
Hopkins '69 clubchamp01@yahoo.com ...you remember exercising to "Go You Chicken Fat Go!" in gym class. Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember Previk's (spelling?)
grocery store in Universal AND
going to the Universal Moose on Sunday afternoon to see Abbot and Costello movies. There was also a penny candy/ice cream shop by the Moose. Don't
remember the name of it. It's right by what was or is One For the Road bar. Gina
...you remember, If you lived in Pennridge, just below Roberts Elementary School, there were those annual community picnics held in a field just off
of Universal Rd near the cement plant. As a kid it was all about the games and of course orange drink and chocolate milk from Turner's Dairy. Stewart Hopkins
remember before PHHS had a football field the Indians football games were played at the Seneca Jr High field on Friday nights because Seneca
had lights. Then when the new field was ready at PHHS the games were played on Saturday afternoons. The new field didn't have
lights...yet. Stewart Hopkins '69
...you remember riding in the back of someone's car with a couple of friends, listening
to Que Sera Sera on the radio, coming back from a summer class that you hated that taught us typing. Then realizing, 20 some
years later, that it was a good thing. Greg McCormick, PHHS '66
remember after the prom, traveling all the way to the Yough dam with only a few beers. I have photos that prove this, once
I find them. Greg McCormick, PHHS '66 mrmac@pitt.edu
..you remember
creating some story that allowed you to travel across the border to West Virginia to buy 3.2 beer. Greg McCormick,
PHHS '66
remember one spring day in Morrow school, first grade, in love with your teacher, Mrs. Majorovsky(?), looking out the window
and watching a Baltimore Oriole sitting in the tree. And Mrs. Morrow, the principal and of the family who owned the farmland
that became a large part of Penn Hills, walking into the room to pay a visit, white-haired, and a kind person, I could tell
even then. Greg McCormick, PHHS '66
remember being in two quite professionally done musical productions, Oklahoma and The Music Man, and meeting the dance man,
Mario Melodia, who not only turned a bunch of kids into actors and dancers, but who truly affected my life with his great
spirit. He affected many lives, reflected in the great tribute he received when he passed on. We miss him, for he was mom
and dad back when we were just beginning to discover the truth about ourselves. Greg McCormick, PHHS '66
...you remember when you were in the Boy Scouts, although briefly, who met at Faith Church
on Jefferson Road. Back then (early 60s) the minister was Reverend Book, whose daughter, I believe Donna, was somewhat admired
by the boys. Greg McCormick, '66 mrmac@pitt.edu
...you remember going to Swartzels, walking, of course, from
Horizon View Drive, off Westward Ho and Loughey. The thing was, we had just moved to Penn Hills in 1953
from Whitney Ave. in Wilkinsburg, and there we had almost the exact same store. In fact, at the age of 5, I used to scour
the neighborhood for bottles that I took to this store for, I believe, 2 cents the small ones, 3 cents the quarts (remember
Tom Tucker?). Made a piece of cash. I gave this up when we moved to Penn Hills, for more exciting adventures. Greg McCormick,
'66 mrmac@pitt.edu
...you remember "SLAM" books. Sandy
Cefola '67 ladyjeep02@hotmail.com
...you remember MOHAIR
sweaters. Sandy Cefola '67 ladyjeep02@hotmail.com
...you remember Friendship & Snake Rings and wrapping dental
floss around your boyfriends class ring then polishing it with nail polish. Sandy Cefola '67
...you remember driving out to Monroeville
to get a Real Roast Beef Sandwich at Arbys. Sandy Cefola '67 ladyjeep02@hotmail.com
...you remember "Seniors leave first"
at Pep rallys. Sandy Cefola '67 ladyjeep02@hotmail.com
...you remember the diner on Route 22, going out towards
Monroeville, where there was a Juke Box selector
at every table while you waited to order, and while you ate you could listen to R & R and to R & B.... Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember
the great flaky little 'lady
fingers' they had at Bilotti's Bakery Bob Morrow
...you remember drinking
liquor mixed with Apple Cider, in large apple cider jugs, and drinking
it "mountain style" holding it by the little handle near the top and slinging the jug over your shoulder, at the High School
football games, and getting bombed out of your gourd, then going for pizza afterwards by the slice at a little place
down on Verona Road... Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember going
to the 'submarine races' in those little turn-outs down by the river... Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember Porky Chadwick...
the Daddio of the Rad-io, on WILY and on WEEP... and the 'boss sounds' and boss dances he put on by the River... Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember caddying at Churchill Valley Country Club,
and waiting in the caddy shack to be called up Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember
teen dances at the "Y" on Frankstown Rd on Friday nights Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember
"cruisin" at the Eat-n-Park in Eastwood Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember
hanging out at the Rodi Room and Frankstown and Rodi Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember
hangin' out on the corner at Pentlong Pharmacy, or waiting there for the school bus Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
...you remember
having a malted at the MOOoooo Shoppe. Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
remember Ola's Bar and Grille Bob Morrow JusOlBob@aol.com
remember shopping at Zayres Department Store in East Hills Shopping Center jisaliveandwell@aol.com
remember playing in the trails between Mt. Carmel and Woods Road jisaliveandwell@aol.com
...you remember the bus ride from Eastwood
Road to Shenandoah Elementary School felt like an eternity
...you remember playing tackle football at Mt. Carmel Cemetary jisaliveandwell@aol.com
...you remember
competing in the All You Can Eat Pizza Contest at Della Salla's Pizza Shop, (Previous Winner) Marty
Brown ‘69
...you remember the catchy tune from the 1960's and '70's radio ad by Joe Ziskind,
the home improvements contractor, "No money you'll be riski'n when you call Joe Ziskind…Hazel One 7 8 6 6…. Hazel
One 7 8 6 6". Chris.C.Gerding '70
...you remember walking all the way up Universal Road to Squartzel’s store to get penny candy. Jim Barrett
...you remember
hanging out at the O.P. (Open Pantry) on Universal Road. Jim Barrett ...you remember when the Summer Park Program sponsored a Mud Decathlon at Duff Park behind
Penn Junior High School. Skot O'Mahony '81
...you remember when Sweet Williams was in Penn Hills Shopping Center and they
used to serve hot fudge sundays with pretzels hanging on the spoons in case you got sweet cheeks and needed a salt break to
finish it - especially all the fudge at the bottom. Skot O'Mahony '81
...you remember when Mother John's Pizza was in Penn Hills Shopping Center and
it was cool to hang out in the parking lot and impress your date with pizza in your parent's old car. Skot O'Mahony '81
...you remember when Dawn of the Dead was filmed at Monroeville Mall and many people from Penn Hills
got to play zombies in the movie. Skot O'Mahony '81
...you remember getting take-out pizza
from Joe & Jenny's on Rodi Road when Mom was out of town and Dad had to feed us. Susanne Cook Schroeder,
...you remember getting our school shoes
at Patsy's Shoe Store on Frankstown Rd. and going to East Hills SC and later Miracle Mile before Penn Hills SC was
built. Getting a chocolate chip cookie at Belotti's Bakery. Susanne
Cook Schroeder, '76
...you remember walking
on Jefferson Rd to Highlands Aqua Club, up hill both ways. Actually, everywhere we walked was up hill both ways! Susanne
Cook Schroeder, '76
...you remember when Channel 3 was WDTV and was a DuMont affiliate Reed Donelli rdonelli@roadrunner.com
...you remember Rege Cordic advertising 'Ol Frofingslosh beer (with the foam
on the bottom) Reed Donelli rdonelli@roadrunner.com
...you remember taking the streetcar to watch the new Civic Arena roof open Reed
Donelli rdonelli@roadrunner.com
...you remember stopping at Oakland Original for a
dog after the Pirate game at Forbes Field (sitting in "Peanut Heaven" of course... As Bob Prince called it) Reed Donelli rdonelli@roadrunner.com
...you remember watching Connie Hawkins and the Pittsburgh Pipers Reed Donelli rdonelli@roadrunner.com
...you remember the Penn Hills PD had Sgt Riley, Hank McCarroll, Jerry Yeagle, Bart Connolly, and many
more. Rich Hervieux '68 rich@oakridgeboys.com
...you remember trying to drive your car all the way up Hunter Road without
shifting out of high gear Rich Hervieux '68 rich@oakridgeboys.com
...you remember the opening of John Linton, and getting a 3 day suspension for smoking
in the boys room there - when you weren't (one of the few times)!!! Paul Bellotti '72 abellotti@state.pa.us
...you remember riding your bike to Pentlong Pharmacy to buy penny candy - a quarter went a long way! janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember collecting books of green stamps from Shop and Save to go to West View
Park. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember Mr Wileys service station and the smoked meat
store on Rodi Road. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember walking door to door and selling Christmas
cards so you would earn prizes. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember summer arts and crafts and softball games at the Long Road
Park and Shelter. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember swimming all summer at Penn Aqua Swim club - the penalty box, the high dive and adult
swim. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember "devils night" knocking on neighbors doors and running, soaping windows, and toilet
paper. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember playing for hours outside and having to be home before the streetlights
came on....hearing you mom calling when the streetlights came on. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember walking through the woods in the winter to sled ride on the
Churchill Valley golf course and running into the woods when security would
chase you. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember THE MONTH OF MAY -Singing "oh mary we crown you with blossoms today, queen
of the manger, queen of the may"...everyday during school in May. janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember bus drills..having to jump out of the back door of the school bus - it seemed so high.
janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember Msgr. Stephen Helzlsouer from St Barts and the yearly festival with highlights
of the white elephant, Big Chuck, skydivers, fireworks and the dunking booth. Janice Zerishnek LCDR USN, Mental Health, Family Nurse
Practitioner. Sacred Heart - 1978 janice gower jzgower@gmail.com
...you remember the station at Coal Hollow and Frankstown Roads was "Art Watts". Had about 5 gas pumps and every pump
was a different brand. Joe Wilson
...you remember The Duff Farmhouse picture is not from the
three Duff homes in the Laketon, Buleah Roads area. Might be 'Benny' Duff's home near Route 22 South of Busche Station
and Store. That home and ground was taken when the Parkway was built. Joe Wilson
...you remember Juan K Ingold and the High School
band Strawberry festivals. 1939-1942. Joe Wilson
...you remember "Pistol Pete" the first policeman. (Sam Bickerstaff?)
Joe Wilson
...you remember Sunday School in the basement
by the Furnace at Hebron Church. Joe Wilson
...you remember Tennis
Courts near the Driveway to the Hebron Church parking lot. Joe Wilson
remember playing Coleco's Vibrating Football (I had one), Pong (Mugs had one), You had Tonka Trucks (everyone had one), and..... Playing Asteroids,
Space Invaders, Missle Command or Pac
Man at One Eyed
Jacks!!!!!!!! Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember playing “Crunch Ball” on the playground at Hebron School during recess and sled riding at
night in the cemetery at Hebron Church. Jeff Getkin '73 JGetkin@assaabloydss.com
remember going to the Gateway Drive-in in New Ken....... I actually had a speaker from there for
a while..... It fell off the cable..... Honest rac6837@verizon.net
...you remember hanging out at the double-M dairy and delivering Post Gazette papers
in the evening so my cousin would let us use his car. alphe43@bellsouth.net
...you remember playing in the woods and never worrying about getting poison ivy, the Varsity house and not being able to wait to go there....to hear your favorite
garage band (one of my favorites was Bob Rusbarsky's...Rick Sherman, Gus
Sherman...don't remember who else) and DANCE. Ordering your meal in the parking lot of Eat N Park...through the speaker
at the teletray. Making out in the back seat of your boyfriends car (on the pull offs at Allegheny
River Blvd). DusTrose@aol.com
...you remember going to Giacco Hardware Store for all you
needs. M DeFazio '60
...you remember where there was no Winky's..... Wilmerding!!!!!! There was one
at the corner of Saltsburg and Verona (it's an Arby's now) Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember watching studio wrestling on Saturday afternoon, and you can remember
what the commercial with the phrase.... "Who can? American!" was for. Ralph Cappella
...you remember when you got to Linton, you realized that you didn't know
ANYONE from Seneca Jr. High if you went to Penn Jr. and vice versa. In fact, the other end of Penn Hills was like a foreign
country! Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember laying in the road at intersection of Rodi Rd. and Frankstown
praying for a car to come when hitch hiking to Wilkinsburg. Larry Meyer Sr.
...you remember the fruit market
at Rodi and Frankstown
,and then the frozen custard stand. Larry Meyer Sr.
...you remember the monkey tied to the tree at Joe and Jennies on Rodi Road Larry
Meyer Sr.
...you remember picking up bales of hay, when Mr. Miller cut and baled the hay
,where what is now Rodiland Road. Larry Meyer Sr.
...you remember playing in the pond behind the Fire
Dept. and Belotti's Bakery, of course they werent there then! Larry Meyer Sr.
...you remember Theodore, the very old
dog at Swartzels store. Larry Meyer Sr.
...you remember how patient the Swartzel's were with us brats who sat in the
window of the store,and didnt buy much. ( they were awesome folks)! I am sorry for some of the things we did. Larry
Meyer Sr.
...you remember the little service station at the corner of Frankstown and Coal Hollow,and
RUSSOS fruit market. I could go on, and on, and on, One of the first houses on Rodi built by a Mr Summers,called Summerlea
Plan #11 Rodi Rd. We got our first TV in 1947,and couldnt watch it,because Pgh. didnt have a TV
station. Larry Meyer Sr.
...you remember Candy, Nuts & Stuff in the Penn Hills Shopping Center. Harry,
'95 ...you remember buying stickers at Schwarzel's every
Sunday for your sports album sticker book. Harry, '95 ...you remember Playing hockey in the parking
lot of Faith Church, Harry '95 ...you remember the arcade
in the Penn Hills Shopping Center (by Radio Shack). Harry '95 ...you remember Mrs Dailey, the
school guard at the Jefferson Road bus stop, putting plastic around the porch we stood on to keep us warm in the winter.
Kelley '93 ...you remember when the Penn Hills Shopping
Center actually put on their own fireworks show during the 4th of July. Ann, '99 ...you remember when the (Dairy)
Delights won the softball championship 3 years in a row. Kelley '93
...you remember playing wiffle ball at Rodilin Park. Harry,
...you remember playing miniature golf at Kimmel's on Frankstown Rd. (where A/Z Chevrolet is located). Eventually
Kimmel's Restaurant
was sold and ran under the name of Henderson's. Mildred
(Millie) Schwab
...you remember going to school in the basement of Father Black’s Church (as
OLMBS was called back then.) The original red brick church, a couple blocks further down Frankstown than
where OLMBS is, had Kelly green doors. jack dolby '64
…you remember when there was an “enormous” (to us kids) gully along Frankstown in front of
OLMBS…there was supposed to be a hidden cave with a mean hermit down there somewhere. jack dolby '64
… you remember when there was a bakery, later replaced
by Sun Drug, on the corner of Eastwood Shopping Center, across from Statlanders. jack dolby '64
… you remember running to Eastwood Dairy for some chipped ham. It’s a toss-up which was better:
the food at the lunch counter or the family soap opera that often played out behind the counter. jack dolby '64
…you remember getting 16 oz Lotta-Colas from the reach-in chest cooler at Eastwood Dairy. jack dolby
… you remember having a cherry phosphate at the (Eastwood) Statlander’s
Drug Store soda fountain. jack dolby '64
you remember poor Mr Navarri getting flack from “the church” when Eastwood Theater showed “bad” movies.
(I feel bad that I can’t remember his first name, nor his wife’s. The kids were Joel, Rudy, and Eleanore.) Mr.
Navarri was my first boss (thanks), and Joel introduced me to Della Sallas! jack dolby '64
remember the bowling alley downstairs of Eastwood Theater. jack
dolby '64
…you remember everything closing at 1 PM on Good Friday. jack dolby '64
…you remember the golf driving range along Frankstown
at the base of what would become East Hills Shopping Center. jack dolby '64
remember the horse-drawn junk wagon that would come down the residential roads in Eastwood. jack dolby '64
…you remember getting mail twice a day, once on Saturday. jack dolby '64
…you remember garbage men climbing 32 steps on Upland Terrace, walking along the side of the house, almost
to the back yard, to get your garbage can… then returning it after it was emptied! (Of course, the milk man climbed
those same steps!) jack dolby '64
…you remember burning piles of leaves from
the trees each fall on the brick roadway on Upland Terrace. jack dolby '64
remember the cinder bins at the end of the road that citizens would shovel from onto the icy roads. jack dolby '64
…you remember walking past Dolman’s farm to go to the pay-per-visit Eastwood pool (later became
member-only). jack dolby '64
...someone's kid says.."Wow, that's cool...my grandmother graduated in 1979!"
Ralph Cappella 1979
... you remember when you finally got tired on someone's constant bragging about
an accomplisment, that you shut them up by saying.... "Go call Patty and Daddy" (referring to Bill and Patty Burns when they
both worked at KDKA) Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember going to Hippo's and the last
song of the night was Last
Dance by Donna Summers. Jim Badali '74
...you remember the "47 cent 3-course meal" at the McDonald's
at East Hills Shopping Mall. The hamburger was 15 cents, French fries were 12 cents and the milkshake was the most expensive
item at 20 cents. Ron "Jack-O" Jakovac, '72.
...you remember taking the bus to the monthly wrestling matches at the Civic
Arena and wondering if "bad guys" like Ivan Koloff, Killer Kowalski or George Steele were
going to beat hometown hero and WWWF champion Bruno Sammartino. Ron "Jack-O" Jakovac, '72
... you remember riding your bike over to the Rosedale Beach Club to watch them fill the
pool. You couldn't wait for opening day. Todd Boyle '73
... you remember spending your winter nights either ice skating
at Rosedale Beach Club when they flooded the tennis court, or flying down #7 at Green Oaks C.C. on your sled. Todd Boyle
...you remember the DiPomodoro Restaurant, The Brown Derby, and the
Ice Skating Rink at the Monroeville Mall. Diana Marsh Rowan '77
...you remember doing sit-ups in gym class to the song "Go you Chicken
Fat, go." Squat thrusts anybody? Making applesauce in Home Ec. class. I'm still
not sure why we sold magazines and people were dressed up in costumes on the HS stage. Barb '72
...you remember that great picture of the Erector Set over on "The
Good Old Days", and how common a Christmas gift that used to be, and that there's not a ton of people left who've seen
one. Ed McW '71
...you remember when there were NO traffic lights on Frankstown Rd. You remember when there
were hunters hunting pheasants on Jefferson Road. You remember Mrs. White at Universal School
- she once had a student in each corner of the room (including me). You remember Mrs. Davidson, principal at Universal
School, talking about starting her car with a crank. Jean Oertel, 1962
...you are now 49 years old and regret plucking your eyebrows. Why did we make
them so thin?! Guess they looked good with the faded, patched bell bottoms (with added material sewn into the bell part to
make them wider) and green army jackets. Diana Marsh Rowen '77
...you remember before the East Hills S C was built there was
a "tarzan" swing across a little creek hanging from a giant tree. You went to the Silverlake Drive In with your parents on
Washington Blvd, it's still partly there behind the car wash and down the hill behind Westinghouse H S. The car hops were
girls skating or walking your food order to your car at Eat-n-Park when you ordered the food at a drive type speaker pole...
you remember driving away from the drive in's with the speaker still wound up in your car window and slamming on the breaks
so you didn't have to buy a new speaker; also the drive ins rented a car heater for 5 bucks so you could go in the Winter.
Also Penn Hills had a swim
team but had to go to the YMCA for practice, and lastly making out in the "old Mill" at Kenny wood by putting
your foot on the side wall, and the attendant came up and stopped you and pushed your gondola with the stick, bummer. Eric
Jiggetts '68
remember the Penn Hills Cheerleaders had to wear black and white saddle shoes
in Seneca and Linton and
we would purchase them in Monroeville Mall. The school provided the cheerleading uniforms and matter fact all
athletic uniforms were provided by the school and now days the parents have to purchase them. Donna
Saunders – Jamison '77
remember waiting in line in school to purchase your Kennywood tickets for the Penn Hills picnic and buying a Kennywood outfit
to wear. You remember riding the Turnpike and you felt like you were really driving, the Noah’s Ark, Laugh in the Dark,
the Thunder Bolt when it first came out and it was so fast the people flew by like a blur and some were thrown off the ride
so they slowed the ride down. Donna Saunders – Jamison '77
...you remember the Indian Burgers in
Penn Hills High School made out of soy that were the imitation Big Mac hamburgers; ...you remember the old used
track uniforms and used track shoes with the spikes we had to carry in a little bag along with our spike key to screw
the spikes in and out of our used track running shoes. The Baldwin Invitational Track Meets were
so much fun and don't forget about Coach Shea. Donna Saunders – Jamison ‘77
...you remember running up the hill
from the field house
to catch the last activity bus, or wondering if the stories of Mr Timko punching out an orangutan are true. Joe Saunders '79 |
...you remember watching channel 13
and the crazy art guy and the "pictures" he painted when you were home sick. No cable in those days. Your phone number
began with a word. Mine was 'sycamore 3' (793). Learning to drive by going down Hunter Rd. Barb '72
...you remember hitchiking to Crazy Eights and Super Dynamite
and shooting pool and playing Pinball. Gary Tredinnick '79 (Lake Worth, Florida)
...you remember Strunks's at the top of Homestead Rd. You could buy all you
needed for a dinner there. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember in
Rosedale some memorable places. Does anyone remember Manziones Pharmacy where you could sit at the counter and drink a soda
or milkshake for $.50. Or Joe's Barber Shop where you could get a haircut for $2.00. Then there was Schwere's Golf Club
(next to Green Oaks CC) where you could sneak on and play golf until Mr. Schwere's came after you. And a bit further down
Verona Road there
was H'lackeys Market, a good corner store for a loaf of bread and milk.And of course Della Salla's Pizza, still going strong
after so many years, and still serving the best pizza in the Burg! John Litz '70
...you remember taking $4 from your moms purse, going to Della Salas Pizza with
friends, eating like a pig and having money left!! J Pierce '82
... you remember Friday night dances at the "Y". Summer swimming at Willows
Pool. The St. Barts fair and hanging out at East Hills Shopping Center. Wendy (Dubois) Regets '68
...you remember when the Junior High School used to put a lighted Christmas tree
on top of the roof at Christmas time. Diane Askew Emmich
...you remember ice skating on the baseball
field right next to the basketball courts at the Junior High School. Diane Askew Emmich
...you remember Chiller Theater started
out on Saturday afternoons... then was on every Saturday night at 11:30 with "Chilly Billy" Cardill and had its own
theme song and the best props and skits.. Sharon Barzen-Hopkins '73
...you remember pizza on Fridays at Blessed Sacrament
as a kid...and then going to Penn Hills High and driving to Della Salla's on Fridays.. Sharon Barzen-Hopkins '73
...you remember when .80 a gallon for gas was considered expensive? Denis
remember going to Forbes Road East Vo-Tech and running the school because there were so many of us there,
having study halls in the auditorium, and having three shifts for lunch because of the sheer number of students.
Phil Cardone '79
...you remember cruisin'
thru Eat-N-Park after the basketball games.
...you remember
CHC (Crescent Hills Clickers), the Spartans, and the Eastwood Gang.
...you remember
the terms "jagoff" and "get bent"
...you remember the names
"Karl", "Wilson" and "Barr" bring back fond memories.
...you remember
someone yells out "hand check" and you instinctively raise your hands.
...you remember going to
the Varsity House to see the "Igniters".
...you remember
watching "Come Alive" on Saturday mornings.
...you remember driving the
family car to the prom and not in a rented limo.
...you remember
what table your group sat at in the cafeteria.
...you remember caddying at
Churchill, Alcoma, Green Oaks, or Longview C.C.'s.
...you remember going
to East Hills S.C. to check out the newest records at the National Record Mart.
...you remember slowly replacing
your Temps and Smokey 45's with Crosby, Stills, and Nash lp's.
...you remember attending the Friday night dances at Faith Community
Church on Jefferson Road.
...you remember
watching Popeye and Kanish with Rodney Hackinflash as a kid on Saturday mornings on the Paul Shannon Show.
...you remember
eating Della Salla's greasy but delicious pizza.
...you remember the guys wore
Italian knit gouchos,Sansabelt slacks, and rib knit socks, or workers and Chucks (Chuck Taylor Converse Allstars).
...you remember
the girls wore Villager dresses with the monogrammed collar pins and Ladybug accessories.
...you remember not feeling
too weird about riding the bus to school in the morning.
...you remember
wondering where "Stinky Davis" got his nickname.
...you remember cruisin' thru
Rosedale and Verona on Friday nights.
...you remember
shooting pool at Fox's Billiards in Harmerville (just across the bridge).
...you remember you thought
the Monroeville Mall was the biggest mall in the world.
...you remember
the fights under the bleachers at Seneca after the football games.
...you remember you still
hate Farrell High School after our big basketball game loss.
...you remember
playing "pick-up" basketball at Penn Junior all summer long.
...you remember getting $.29
hamburgers at the Red Barn and a drink at the Dairy Queen in Penn Hills Shopping Center.
...you remember
driving past the "lover's lane" sections of Allegheny River Blvd. and seeing all the steamed up windows.
...you remember listening
to "the T.L. sound... Music for young lovers", or "Porkey Chedwick" on WAMO.
...you remember going
to Boyce Park to "make out".
...you remember you tried
to get into every yearbook club picture whether you were a member or not.
...you remember "Ricki and Copper". Janice
Hostler '70
...you remember skipping school to hitch-hike
anywhere. Candy Eazor '72
...you remember you loved Casey's
hoagies. Karen Gray '71
...you remember the 8th gradeY dances.
Karen Linn "68
...you remember drag racing at Hangman's
Hollow (and you remember the legend behind it). Karen Linn '68
...you remember when St. Susannah's Church
split from St. Bart's and services were held in the basement of Ola's Restaurant/Bar and then at the Penn Hills
Bowling Alley. Karen Linn '68
...you remember playing "Chuck-a-Luck" at the St. Bartholomews Fair. Jeff Cutruzzula '72
remember making out in your Dad's car down at the "wood chopper". Denny Stover '68
...you remember walking
to Porter's restaurant for pizza after a Penn High football game held a Seneca Jr. High field. Jerry Shane '69
...you remember when Linton and the Sr. High School didn't need security guards
and teachers received the respect they deserved. Christine Curran '85
...you remember the neighborhood Fun Fairs we used to have to raise money for M.D.
Sonny Derdock '70 (as remembered by my sister Stacey)
...you remember going to Ed's
Beds in Monroeville, because you couldn't afford a real motel. Carol Metzgar Stover '69
...you remember '66 Corvette Stingrays...
well I had one. Carol Metzgar Stover '69
...you remember going to the
movies at the Rodi Rd. Shopping Center. Jim Mannella, almost '70
remember bowling on Saturday mornings at Guys and Dolls Bowling Alley. Sonny Derdock '70
...you remember going to the movies at
the Eastwood Theater and eating at Isaly's in East Hills S.C. afterwards. Vicki Meissner '68
...you remember brownie trips to Turner's
Dairy and meetings in the leader's house. Vicki Meissner '68
...you remember not
"really" knowing what was on the opposite side of Penn Hills from where you lived. Vicki Meissner
...you remember
the three 1960 World Champion Pirates living within a mile of you in Churchill Valley. Dick Schofield - at the top
of Rose Ave.(behind Pentlong Pharmacy); Dick Stuart - Beulah Road, (between Long Road and Penny Drive); Elroy
Face - corner of Beulah Road and Beulah Lane. Fred Carroll '71 Manhattan, NY
... you remember the evening celebration on
Beulah Road after game 7 of the 1960 World Series. Fred Carroll '71 Manhattan, NYC
...you remember listening to Cordic and Company
in the morning on the big KD. Denis Altenburger, '70
...you remember the following media personalities:
Paul Long (WTAE-TV); Ed & Wendy King and Ed Shaughnessy (KDKA radio); Bill Burns (KDKA-TV); Pie Traynor (Studio Wrestling,
WIIC-TV) and, of course, "the Gunner" Bob Prince. Chris
Gerding '70
...you remember the various Iron City
Beer ad campaigns ("This is the year, this is the beer" from 1966...the TV commercials featuring Jack Isherwood, Ernie Minster,
and Big Al Luccione the beer salesman,
1971-72) Chris Gerding '70
...you remember Shopping at Gold Circle
in the Penn Hills Mall then eating at Lum's or Mr, Steak. Mary Grande Rudnick '72
...you remember going to Ted Smith' store
(Near the old German Cemetery) and buying penny candy from a little glass case on the counter. Mary Grande Rudnick '72
...you remember the 1st MacDonald's
opening near the Eastwood shopping center - hamburgers were 10 cents! Mary Grande Rudnick '72
...you remember shopping at East Hills
shopping center during Old Fashion Days in the summer. Mary Grande Rudnick '72
...you remember the MOOOO Shop on Frankstown
Rd, across from the old A&P Mark Stefanides '76
...you remember your Dad made you practice driving
through the crazy old Rodi Rd. intersection before you could take your drivers test! Bobbi *Nardina* Checchio ' 75
...you remember and can still sing all
the words to the song "Mr. Touchdown" Bobbi *Nardina* Checchio ' 75
...you remember your graduating class had 1200 plus
students. Bobbi *Nardina*
Checchio ' 75
...you remember when there was NO Penn
Hills Shopping Center. Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember when there was no "new"
wing at PHHS. Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember when the sophomores started
school at 3rd period because the school had too many students. Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember when the class president and
the president of the student council stowed away on the trip to New York because all their friends were going.
Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember "Bye Bye Birdie' was the
first musical and you were in it. Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember that the "Real" Eat-N-Park
was down past the Eastwood Theatre, but Monroeville was still better for cruisin'. Michele
*Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember seeing "West Side Story"
at the Eastwood Theatre umpteen times and admission was only $.50. Michele *Bruce* Bartos
...you remember when circle pins and gold chains
with a pearl in a cage were required accessories.
Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember when only the greasers had their
ears pierced by their friends and wore broom straws or string in them until they healed.
Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember when pleated skirts, button
down man tailored shirts and matching alpaca sweaters were a sign of good taste. Michele *Bruce*
Bartos '65
...you remember when you couldn't live without
a large can of "Aqua Net" hair spray each week. Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember making the loop at Seneca
field during football games. Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember singing the entire score of
the "current" spring musical for the waitresses and customers at Eat-N-Park at Rodi while waiting for our parents to pick
us up after rehearsal.
Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember the threatened strike
because they took out "your old lady's corset buttons" dialog from the musical. Michele
*Bruce* Bartos '65
...you remember most of all, feeling safe at
school. Michele *Bruce* Bartos '65
... you remember at Rosedale Beach Club,
the trampoline next to the low dive and the Barrel in 4 feet across from the slide. Mark
Mszyco '75
...you remember miniature golfing in Oakmont
where Lieberth Dodge is now, the Willows pool, and double features (Jerry Lewis) for 50 cents at the Oaks. Mark Mszyco '75
...you remember The Hobby Shop, the coffee
shop, and Isalys in East Hills Shopping Center. Mark Mszyco 75
...you remember basketball games at Penn
Junior every evening all summer. (commissioner of the league Mikie Saville class of 69) Some great games brought in
players from all over including some pro players: Norm Van Lier, Sam Clancey, Norm Nixon, Benji Pryor, George Karl and some
Steelers L.C. Greenwood and Dwight White. Mark Mszyco 75
...you remember hanging out at Stadtlanders
after school, and learning how to be a "soda-jerk". Barbara Stadtlander Huber '55
...you remember the wonderful smell of
the J&L steel plant along with the orange glow in the sky when they would use the Bessemer converter. Denis Altenburger,
...you remember riding in a "parade" of
cars from Penn Hills High School to Churchhill Valley Country Club for your senior prom! *Do they still do that?*
Marlene Minnich '72
...you remember being able to exchange detentions
for swats from your most favorite V.P., Mr. Hoover. Brad Davis '75
...you remember buying penny candy at
Leeches' store by the Rosedale firehall....Joe's Barbershop, next to the Rosedale Pharmacy, both under the office of Dr. Ferguson.
Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember all your home basketball
games in elementary school were going to be a definite win, cause no one else had tile floors, a 12ft ceiling (no arc possible),
a wall that stuck out onto the court and no room for spectators. "Go Davidson". Brad Davis '75
...you remember the "blister clubs" made by rubbing your thumb against your
middle finger. David Parker
...you remember sneaking through the bathroom window at the YMCA for
the Saturday night dances. David Parker
...you remember the old duck and cover drills, or standing three deep against
the walls in the halls of the school during the air raid drills. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember Dan Stone starring as Henry Higgins in the PHHS production of
"My Fair Lady." Peggy "McCauley" Hamerly, '66
...you remember getting 20 extra credit points in Mr. Meisenhelter's Chemistry
class if you bought a season's pass to the PHHS basketball games. Peggy "McCauley" Hamerly, '66
...you remember Belotti's Bakery and the hand-packed ice cream cones and penny
candy from Schwarzel's Market at the intersection of Rodi and Universal Roads Peggy "McCauley" Hamerly, '66
...you remember saving your money so you could buy some of the neat stuff at
the great K&W Variety Store in the Penn Hills Shopping Center. Don Privett ' 75
... you remember watching the Fourth of July fireworks at Churchill Country Club,
and the big traffic jam just to get there. Don Privett ' 75
...you remember lining up along Frankstown or Long Road to watch the prom procession
go by on their way to Churchill Valley Country Club for the after prom! Nancy -Privett-Griffin '80
...you remember going to "Savor's" in Harmerville to dance and drink lemon slushes
on weekend nights, and being bummed when it burned down. Neese's was never as good! Bill Connelly, '
...you remember that you could go ice skating by Penn Jr. High... at the top
section of what is now Duff Park. Dave Maxwell '75
...you remember snooping around the big old barn that used to sit on the
hillside right below this area off of Joan Drive. Dave Maxwell '75
...you remember Sweet Williams in the Penn Hills Shopping Center
- good ice-cream! Nancy *Privett* Griffin '80
...you remember that Sidney Bunns always
saw things the right way, and you know who Sidney really is. Chet Wade '72
...you remember Gerry Mauro in the
King and I holding up his pants with one hand and gestured with the other after the safety pin came out. Chet Wade '72
...you remember that Bill Lisotto made it
into Sports Illustrated as a Face in the Crowd. Chet Wade '72
...you remember Andy Yuhas before
they named the stadium after him way before Chet Wade '72
...you remember your little league coaches
taking you to the DQ for an ice cream after the game. Bob Riddinger '80
...you remember the summers spent at Jefferson
Rd Park with all of the recreation programs that went on. Bob Riddinger '80
...you remember what a Barracuda is and you probably had one stolen from your locker. Geoff Santoliquido '72
... you remember going to Savor's - just past Harmarville Robert Curry
...you remember when you went to the Y.M.C.A.
dances and spent most of the time in the bathroom doing your hair and makeup. Lisa-Arena-Urban '67
...you remember when you went to the Varsity House dances to see the cool people and listen to the Igniters. Lisa
-Arena-Urban '67
...you remember where you were when President Kennedy was shot. Lisa *Arena* Urban '67
remember the Chinese firedrills we did on Frankstown Road, running around the car at the light and whoever landed in the driver's
seat when the light changed drove the car. Lisa
*Arena* Urban '67
...you remember going to Red Bull Inn,
Mr. Steak or Lum's before a big school dance. As always, the importance of the dance determined the choice of restaurant.
Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember working at Dairy Queen
(Saltsburg, or the shopping center, or both), or Shop-N-Save (The "real" one on Frankstown Road). Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember ice skating at the
Alcoma CC pond. Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember Porter's Restaurant on
Saltsburg Rd., at the corner where Frankstown meets Saltsburg. There is a bank and a fast food place there now. Ray Schamus
...you remember when a big night out was going to Mohans for what was thought
to be "fresh" shrimp baskets!!! (Little do they know living in New England now!!!) Bob Riddinger '80
...you remember sled riding down the hills at Alcoma Country Club, trying to
avoid the lake at the bottom. Richard Black
...you remember going to Shire's Pharmacy to buy comic books
and smelling the food cooking at Mohan's next store... Richard Black
...you remember walking up to the windows at McD's on Frankstown Rd. to order food,
(because that was the only way to order) Ray Schamus '79
...you remember skating at the ice rink at the Monroeville
Mall, and eating Pubba GoGo's ( not sure of spelling) Ray Schamus '79
...you remember going to East Hills Shopping Center at Christmas
to see the little displays in "those boxes" outside in the walkways. And beating your sister to the display to be first to
push the button to make the figures move. Ray Schamus '79
...you remember saving your lunch money to buy your boyfriend that onyx ring
with the tiny diamond in the middle for graduation Cassie Mayhorn '70
...you remember all senior boys had black leather jackets, and if they let you wear
it, you were sure it was true love. Cassie Mayhorn '70
...you remember the building of East Hills Shopping Center, the Double M Dairy, riding
to Hebron School in a Bonomos taxi cab, old Hebron School with the cloak rooms,
moving from the old Hebron School to the new one, the fires at BOTH Hebron Schools, the split of the 2 Junior Highs, McKennas
farm, Duffs farm, riding the Deere Bros. Bus across Penn Township, or the Churchill Valley bus to Wilkinsburg to go to Sun
Drug, the Rowland Theater, Caldwell and Graham, or the Library. (1950s in
Penn Township). Dorie *Dunning* Heckman '63
...you remember what is now Ames was Gold Circle and then Hills
Department Store. Nancy *Privett* Griffin 80'
...you remember and recognize the the phrase "top o' the dec" Linda Marbury '70
...you remember hanging out in front of
the bowling alleys in rodi shopping center on rodi rd lynda l veneris/lynda tierney '68
...you remember the moo shop on frankstown
and beulah road hanging with your friends after jr high lynda l veneris/lynda tierney '68
...you remember hanging at eatn park on
frankstown rd and rodi rd to see your friends drive thru lynda l veneris/lynda tierney '68
...you remember your friends going off
to the viet nam war and some not returning lynda l veneris/lynda tierney '68
...you remember being at the friday night
ymca dance when president kennedy was shot lynda l veneris/lynda tierney '68
...you remember living on cheese nip crackers for lunch to save up
for cigarettes and the $2 donation at weekend barrel parties. Renee Dozzi. '77
...you remember you spent the first two years of your educational career at
Morrow School. Jim McElroy '65
...you remember
having Miss Frisbee as your 3rd grade teacher at Roberts School. Jim McElroy '65
...you remember you used to hang with Charley Apple while
he did his radio show in Monroeville. Jim McElroy '65
...you remember who Mayor is and considered him the funniest
person in the world. Jim McElroy '65
...you remember delivering The Progress once a week. Jim McElroy '65
... you remember you used to work for Bucky and Mr.
Mangold at Casey's. Pierro "Pete" Thompson '71
... you remember being a pain in the butt kid hanging around Bonomo's Taxi and Exide Battery shop. Pierro "Pete" Thompson '71
remember playing football and baseball on Walpole Drive. Pierro "Pete" Thompson '71
...you remember sled
riding at Churchill Valley C.C. Mimi Noweck '71
...you remember going to Churchill Valley C.C to watch
4th of July fireworks.....Mimi Noweck '71
...you remember roller skating
at the Ches-A-Rena, *Cheswick Roller Rink* Mimi Noweck '71
...you remember going to the 4th of July
parades on Frankstown Rd. and yelling to the fireman to use the siren and beep their horns; watching the floats
go by waiting for them to throw out candy and bubblegum; waiting for the "Jacks and Jills" to march by so we
could see my older sister and the "Donnie Debs" to see Donna and Karen Baklarz. Mary E. Moran
...you remember that Gold Circle,
Hills, and Ames started out as W.T. Grants. Tom Lockhart '71
...you remember working
at Howard Johnsons on the turnpike. Tom Lockhart '71
...you remember
the U S Post Office, Pete's Restaurant, and Tony's 5&10 Cent Store in North Bessemer Marie Hasson
... you remember the North Bessemer Fire Co. Drum
& Bugle Corp practicing their drills, marching on Leechburg Rd., getting ready for our next parade, &
next carnival. (I remember, I did it!) Marie Hasson One of the majorettes
...you remember the two most coveted items
raffled off every year at the St. Bart's fair...the #2 most coveted item ....(and a real money maker) was the case of
cheer (a case filled with a variety of every imaginable liquor) and the # 1 most coveted raffle item...the notorious annual
super fabulous GOLD CADILLAC ... (ah yeah those were the days..i wonder if they still do that.. hehehe..sorta funny
when ya think about it....i never won anything..i just did my job and served sausage, pepper and onion hoagies...now they
were pretty darn good...and they made the fair smell pretty good too....now i want one....) susan frank 68'
...you remember being paddled by
Mr. Pekich for saying "hey man" in his history class Jeff Stearn, '67
...you remember Mr. Hemphill pretending to play a stringless
violin if you whined about your Algebra II grade Jeff
Stearn, '67
remember your class ring cost $35 and your parents STILL complained about the high price of class rings
Jeff Stearn, '67
...you remember you wouldn't be caught dead listening to any radio stations but WAMO, WEEP or WMCK Jeff Stearn, '67
...you remember being heartbroken when WEEP dropped
R & B format for country music format Jeff Stearn, '67
remember taking guitar lessons at Cacese Music Store and had Chuck Johnston or Jeannie Salo for a teacher Jeff Stearn, '67
...you remember listening to Bob Livorio on WKPA (New Kensington) on Saturday mornings Jeff
Stearn, '67
...you remember your kickin' Friday night was spent going to the movies at the Penn Hills Shopping
Center then walking to Supergames and wishing you had just one more quarter for just one more game of Pac-Man or Galaga!
Angela *Moffatt*Dittig '87
...you remember your parents disbelief that
you put 50 miles on the car and only went to Eat n' Park and McDonalds on Friday night. Donna BINKLEY Lograsso,
...you remember owning either "High Flying Wine
by the Igniters or "Ain't No Big Thing" by the Electrons on 45 RPM record. Jeff Stern '67
...you remember Mr Porterfield (World Cultures teacher) confiscated your James
Bond paperbacks because they were "dirty books" Jeff Stern '67
...you remember laughing about people getting extra points in Meisenhelter's chemistry
class just for watering the plants. (varsity basketball players, perhaps)? Lee
Ball, '71
...you remember getting crushed when the doors opened at
the White Elephant. Lee Ball, '71
...you remember seeing the big Motown acts of the day like the Temps and Smokey performing at the County Fair
and the Twin Coaches. (One time we pooled our money with who we double dated and bribed some guy to get a stage side table
at the Twin Coaches. Left the Twin Coaches penniless and felt great.) Lee
Ball, '71
...you remember smiling when Porkey Chedwick's excited voice would say "The
double WAMO! This station's so hot they gotta call the firetrucks out!" Lee Ball, '71
...you remember the KQV portable radio station
in a trailer with its windows so you could see the DJ. Lee Ball, '71
...you remember Lou's
Lounge on Frankstown Road having the 300 pound go-go dancer Bill Schwer '75
...you remember lining up along Frankstown Road in the summer for the Firemans'
Parade and then the fair thereafter. Barbara Shaw Wolfe '63
... you remember the Isaly's at East Hills Shopping Center. Barbara Shaw Wolfe
...you remember cruisin' Harmarville Eat-N-Park, going to Glenn's Custard Stand
in Cheswick for the best ice cream cones in the entire world. Barbara Shaw Wolfe '63
...you remember the Swanson's Drug Store soda fountains had the best vanilla phosphate
that you could get anywhere. Barbara Shaw Wolfe '63
...you remember standing in line for hours at Hebron waiting to get your swine
flu shots. Barbara Shaw Wolfe '63
...you remember when part of Hebron Presbyterian burned down. Barbara Shaw
Wolfe '63
...you remember when the very first Penn Hills / Wilkensburg football game had
to be played on Saturday afternoon instead of Friday night because of too many fist fights. Barbara Shaw Wolfe '63
...you remember as a kid you went to the Lexington in East Liberty to roller skate,
and also the Treasure Island Store Barbara Shaw Wolfe '63
...you remember the old love song-oldies on the Bob LaVorio Show out
of New Kensington on Saturday mornings. Some of the oldies were "High On a Hill", "Chains" and so on... Barbara Shaw Wolfe
...you remember Della Sala "Hottest Piece
of Pizza Challenges". You ordered D/S's pizza and had the hottest toppings you could get put on it. Each guy ordered for someone
else. The loser was the guy who couldn't finish his piece. By the way, the hottest combo was hot sausage, hot peppers, jalapeno's
and onion. We'd add some Ret Hot and watch their eyes water while they ate. Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember going to the Cheswick Quad to see
cheap movies and then ate at Rudy's Subs in Cheswick on the way home. Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember Hangman's Hollow, The Lincoln Cemetery Ghost,
The Hermits, and the Secret Path to Washington Elementary. Ralph Cappella '79
...you remember your parents taking you
to “Eddie’s Shoe Store” in Eastwood Shopping Center
to buy your new shoes. Barbara Shaw Wolfe ’63
...you remember Mrs. Saunders’ shorthand classes and
Mrs. Naser’s typing classes. In addition, being a student secretary (assigned to a certain teacher), and preparing class
papers and tests for that teacher. You ran off the papers and tests on the mimeograph machine. In the back of Mrs. Naser’s
typing classroom, there was also another machine in there (which I believe was called a ditto machine). It made copies on
tan paper then came out all hot and curled with, was it purple ink on it? Barbara Shaw Wolfe ’63
...you remember using carbon paper and onion skin paper to make copies
in Mrs. Saunders’ shorthand class and Mrs. Naser’s typing class. There was also such a thing as a typewriter eraser. Barbara Shaw Wolfe ’63
remember when Dr. William J. Garner’s office was located across from Ola’s
Bar and Grill before being located above Stadtlander’s Drug Store. Dr. Garner was the family doctor to many Penn Hills residents. Barbara Shaw Wolfe ’63
...you remember Thad
Stevens Grade School and remember
Mrs. Geissinger coming every so often for music lessons and we had to sing songs. I can remember something with “Lucinda”
in it. Barbara Shaw Wolfe ’63
remember loafing at the Sun Drug Store located in Eastwood Shopping
Center and going with your mom to the S&H Green Stamp Redemption Store (also located in Eastwood Shopping Center). You might also had
to go into Buy Wise with your parents while you were in the same shopping center. Barbara Shaw Wolfe ’63
...you remember going to the Harmarville Drive-In and the Silver Lake Drive-In. Does anyone remember the fear of going
over the Hulton Bridge before it was repaired years ago? It was so rickety it shook. Does anyone remember the old man
who was always on the Harmarville side of the bridge selling newspapers? Does anyone remember taking the ferry over to the
nine mile, 12 mile islands for parties? (which of course we should not have been at)… Barbara Shaw Wolfe ’63
remember Driver Training classes. Is there still such a thing at the high school? Barbara
Shaw Wolfe ’63
...you remember answering the phone. "I listen to the new sound of 13Q" ? The top 40's AM station contest
to win money. Ray Schamus '79
...you remember waiting with your brother and sisters for the Budken's
icecream/candy truck to come down your street so that you could get "penny candy" or the ever so sticky candy necklace. Sonny
Derdock '70
...you remember being proud to say that you lived in Penn Hills. Now, whenever
we about Penn Hills in the news, it's about another shooting and/or drug bust. Dave Testa '76
...you remember playing the bowling machine at Porter's restaurant with those
little brown balls Dave Testa '76
...you remember waiting every summer day for 'Uncle Charlie' to show up
so you could by an ice ball and baseball cards Dave Testa '76
...you remember the Deere Brothers bus garage on Saltburg road. The Eckerd's
Drug store sits there now. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember Seneca Junior High School and putting Mr. Kumer's volkswagon
on the steps by the gym. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember when they would put a star on the top of the chimney of Seneca
at Christmas. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember the Anchor Inn at the intersection of Sandy Creek and Allegheny
River Blvd. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember when the Sandy Creek Inn was Robinson's Tavern. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember playing a round of golf on Schwere's golf course and going swimming
at the Cabana Club. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember the duck and cover drills in grade
school. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember swimming at the Willows in Oakmont during the summer Jeff
Stearn '67
...you remember Jim Quinn before he was a talk-show host; he was a night-time
DJ on KQV and used to introduce himself playing Manfred Mann's "The Mighty Quinn" Jeff Stearn '67
... you remember going dancing in the late 60's at Flip's Electric Banana in Monroeville or at
the Electric Spider in New Kensington Jeff Stearn '67
...you remember the sky divers and fireworks @ the St Bart's festival Mimi
Noweck '71
...you remember Gimbels advertising their "Lilac Days" sale in sky
writing Mimi Noweck ''71
...you went to the donkey basketball
games held at Linton School. david behm
...you remember Coal Hollow as a dirt road. Mimi Noweck '71
...you remember whistling Kenny Scwartzel
at Scwartzels store at the top of Universal and Jefferson, swimming at the river at "Big Rock", or going in the Ardmore Drive
Inn, in the trunk with one driver. glenn brown '74
...you remember the bridge over the valley on Green Oaks where the lake and dam are
today. Denis Altenburger '70
...you remember you were the first sophomore class to enter Linton Intermediate School,
just finally finding your way around and then being moved to PHHS to get totally lost again! And seeing those poor
little "dye colored peeps" they sold at Easter at Murphy's in East Hills Shopping Center! Donna (Shaner) Ventrice
...you remember the substitute teacher... BIRDMAN
Jim Badali '74
...you remember coming home
from school and watching Adventure time with Paul Shannon. They showed Kimba the white lion, Space Angel and those wacky
and very funny Three Stooges. He would introduce each show by bringing out a very large sword with fake gems on it and
proclaiming " Down goes the curtain and back up again for ......." How about when Paul would tranform into NOS Mo King
and would come out onto the stage in a trenchcoat and a mask and pull on a rope dangling from the ceiling. At Christmas
he would read the names on the envelopes of children who had sent in a letter going to Santa Claus. He then would toss
it into the open hatch of the rocket, then they would launch it to the North Pole .
Jim Badali '74
remember how Mr. Rocke at Seneca Jr. would kick your You know what if you didn’t bust your tail at football practice.
Pound for pound, he was one tough guy. John Litz ’70
remember watching the great Hubie Bryant run to daylight at Penn Hills football games when they were playing under the lights at Seneca Jr. John Litz ’70
remember going to Manziones Pharmacy in Rosedale for an ice cream float or a milkshake. John Litz ’70
remember playing basketball under the lights at Rosedale Fire Hall on hot summer nights. John
Litz ’70
remember bowling on Saturday mornings at Rosedale Bowling Lanes. John Litz ’70
remember playing shuffleboard at Rosedale Beach Club. John Litz ’70
remember running on the cinder track at Seneca Jr. High. John Litz ’70
remember wondering how you would get along with the students from Penn Junior when you arrived at the high school.. John Litz ’70
remember making $6.00 caddying at Green Oaks C.C. carrying a double 18. Ouch!, and thinking how many Gant shirts you would
be able to buy at Horne's in East Hills
Shopping Center. John Litz ’70
...you remember watching the Beatles getting
off the plane at La Guardia Airport in New York and then later watching them on the Ed Sullivan Show. I can still hear my
father saying "look at those hippies, and that hair, sheeesh!" Guy Ingagliato '70
...you remember living around Southern
Ave, Gaywood Dr, and Parkridge Dr. and "Angelo" coming around in his truck and his ice balls that he'd mix up all
the different flavors.. they were the best!! Guy Ingagliato '70
...you remember Mr. Cunningham's sixth grade class in 1956, at Roberts Elementary, and
him arguing vehemently against us having to play those simple flutophones!!! LOL Pam Munson Steadman, '63
...you remember sled riding at Mt. Carmel
cemetery (the side not yet used for its intended purpose!) during the winter, swimming, listening to KQV , having a crush
on the lifeguards, tanning and playing cards and shuffleboard all day long during the summer at Eastwood Swimming pool,
playing jump rope, roller skating, walking on "stilts", playing kickball, riding bikes, playing tennis, and just about everything
else right in the street, being scared to go to "Old Lady Thon's" house at Halloween and being sent home from Thad Stevens
Elementary when President Kennedy was shot. Cindy Kerchner '71
...you remember, putting Mr. Kumer's Volkswagen on the sidewalk in front of
the Rosedale Lounge, while he was inside drinking. You also remember, telling him that you
were one of the guys who put his Volkswagen on the sidewalk in front of Rosedale Lounge, when you were sitting at the bar
with him as an adult. Michael King
...you remember the Wilkins song, "Easy Credit...easy credit. Wilkins
is the place where you can get it." Pam Munson Steadman, '63
...you remember "Ida Mae and Happy" on Saturday morning television! Pam
Munson Steadman, '63
...you remember Sir Walter Raleigh and
Rockin' Robin of WEEP (before they changed to country) were among your favorite disc jockeys. Jeff
Stearn, ''67
...you remember the 24 hour marathon by
Segway the Robot when WMCK became WIXZ. Jeff Stearn, ''67
...you remember you watched them build East Hills Shopping Center, went to the
Eastwood Show on Friday and Saturday nights, Y dances on Frankstown Rd, after home football game you followed the band up
the hill to 'Baby Elephant Walk, emptied your dad's gastank in one night cruising between Eat n Park and MacDonalds, wore
white lipstick, went swimming at the Willows Pool in Oakmont. Patty Stahovic '68
...you remember crazy "8'S" and super dynamite hangouts..
Kathy Ohm McMullen '79
...you remember driving up Coal Hollow Road with your Mom & Dad, and
looking at the side of the hill near the top always smoking, from mine fires! David Wilson '75
...you remember every August, your Mom took you clothes
shopping for school at Lad & Lassies and DeCaesare's Shoe Store, in Penn Hills Shopping Center! David Wilson, '75
...you remember being finally old enough to buy your first highly-coveted
and cherished "Sir Jac" Baracuda jacket, at Fairs Mens Shop, in Penn Hills Shopping Center! Was the coolest the navy
blue, or khaki?!! David Wilson, '75
... you remember your first day of kindergarten... sitting on the front steps
of Trinity Towers [across from Alcoma Golf Course] crying and refusing to re-enter the building. :-) Frank J. Butala,
...you remember having a crush on Miss Rydeski... and then being evastated when
you realized that she'd been married over the summer and there would be "no way" for the two of you to get married when you
grew up. :-) Frank J. Butala, '83
...you remember racing Mr. Mascara across the rear school playground during gym
class. :-) Frank J. Butala, '83
...you remember when your cat used to follow you to school... and be there, waiting
on the path, after the last bell rang. :-) Frank J. Butala '83
...you remember walking the halls of Penn Junior... trying to
remember the location of your locker. :-) Frank J. Butala '83
...you remember the "lunch lady" from Washington Elementary [Mrs. Wilson?]. :-)
Frank J. Butala, '83
...you remember the "pet rock" that you made for mom in art class... with felt
glued to the bottom [mom still has hers]. :-) Frank J. Butala, '83
...you remember "school movies" that were shown in the gymnasium/cafeteria/auditorium.
:-) Frank J. Butala, '83
...you remember the teacher referring to the closet as, "The Cloak Room." :-) Frank J. Butala, '83
...you remember all the copperhead snakes that came down & crossed over Verona
Rd. when they blasted for the new Rosedale elementary school. Bev Weaver
...you remember stopping at Blitzers little shoppe and buying a fudgesicle or creamsicle
as you walked home from school. Bev Weaver
...you remember the carnival at the Rosedale Firehouse. Bev Weaver
...you remember the Rosedale Halloween party each year, with free hotdogs, apple
cider and donuts if you came in costume. I believe a Mr. Stamen hosted it each year! Bev Weaver
...you remember the strong rivalry between the Penn High/ Wilkinsburg
High football teams! Penn High Indians--Rah; Rah; Rah !!!! Bev
...you remember loafing outside Swanson's Pharmacy Jeff Cutruzzula "72",
Charlottesville Virginia
...you remember not being able to count the number of cuts of
DELLA SALLA'S pizza you've eaten in your lifetime!!! It's still open! D. Wilson '75
...you remember sitting at the soda foundain at Crescent Pharmacy and drinking
vanilla cokes. Joe Maxwell '63
...you remember the dances in the basement of the YMCA. And, in the middle
of a song, someone would yell "fight!" and everyone would leave the basement to see the fight. Joe Maxwell '63
remember days of 15 cents for gas and premium was an outrageous 22 cents per gallon. Denis Altenburger
...you remember attending to Morrow
School on Jefferson Rd. and having Mrs. Miller for 1st grade. And you can smile when you think about Mr. Hester calling
you "num-nums" and "yo-yo's". Lisa Friend '77
...you remember attending Roberts
Elementary and you knew Miss McCarey and Miss Randall before they became Mrs. Bauer and Mrs. Bauman in the same year. Lisa
Friend '77
...you remember who "Thunderbolt
and Lightning" are. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember Wayne "Last in His Class"
Macuga and his wife Nadine. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember the time that we
had a "walkout" in protest of no student parking lot. But our class president couldn't join us because he had a court
appearance on that day. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember you or your brother played pee-wee
football for the Bantams. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember that Penn Hills was the
only school at Kennywood on our school picnic day because we filled the park. Lisa Friend '77
...your prom was held on the Thursday
before Memorial Day. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember graduating on the football
field and it took 3 hours to read all the names. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember having Mr. Moddick for
AP History and he doodled a pile with a pitchfork on your essay because you got too wordy. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember Kenny Schwartzel,
who ran the store at the Intersection. And he was the only adult that your parents allowed you to call by his first
name. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember
The Green Tab. Lisa Friend '77
...you remember when Pentlong Pharmacy
burnt down. Jerry Ilgenfritz '64
...you remember the weekly
Saturday 12 noon test of all of the sirens for the volunteer fire departments. Jerry
Labuskes 80
...you remember getting a rare chance to look through the under water viewing
windows at the indoor pool at Linton. (Some of you didn’t even know they had those windows) Jerry Labuskes 80
...you remember walking
to the Turner's Dairy Farm in the summer to hang out, trying to catch the wild kittens in the barn, learning the
facts of life from watching the cows and bulls in the field, trying to pull tail feathers from the caged peacocks, and
being rewarded for all this with a tiny plastic cow and a chocolate milk. Judy HESS Boitz '76
...you remember jumping
into the ice cold water every summer morning for swim team practice at Highland's Swim Club, and the annual family parties
held there. Judy HESS Boitz '76
...you remember the
playground and the fire drills at Morrow Elementary School on Jefferson Road, the janitor Mr. Hester, and meeting old Mrs.
Morrow, who lived right next to the school. Judy HESS Boitz '76
...you remember taking
weeks to learn your way around at Linton Intermediate School, and carrying all your books with you because there was not enough
time to get to your locker and to the next class before the bell rang. Over 30 years later I still have bad dreams about that
place. Judy HESS Boitz '76
...you remember watching
the faces of the students bused in from Lincoln Park as the buses pulled away from the junior high school each day. Judy
HESS Boitz '76
...you remember being
a child guest on the Romper Room and Mr. Rogers shows at the local T.V. studio, and thinking they were just aired locally,
not knowing that they were televised nationally. Judy HESS Boitz '76
...you remember pretending
that the old steel mill along the Parkway East was a witch's castle, and holding your breath until you got past it so you
wouldn't breathe the poisoned air. Judy HESS Boitz '76
...you remember watching
with incredible pride as my dad, Scout leader Al Hess, marched with the boy scouts in the annual Fireman's Parade, and being
jealous of all the boys who passed through our basement on Bryant Drive for Weblos and Cub Scouts meetings. Also, visiting
Camp Ligonier on Family Days and wishing I could be a boy scout, too. Thanks to all the many former scouts who attended
Dad's funeral in 1994. Judy HESS Boitz '76
...you remember someone told you you're next class was through the "covered passage" at Linton
Junior High, and you thanked them for the time saver. Craig Bigenho
...you remember eating pizza in the parking lot of Della Salla's
on Friday night, then cruzin..... Tim Harmon '76
...you remember going to church
at Saint Barts in the school gym before the "new" church was built. Dave Zerishnek '73
remember when crossing guards were 7th or 8th graders with a white belt and badge. Dave
Zerishnek '73
...you remember climbing the big blue water tower at the St Barts festival to
better see the sky divers. Dave Zerishnek '73
...you remember Brown Derby @ the Monroeville
Mall. Monday night was ladies night....25 cents a drink! Hippo's Pub...still there...The V.I.P. dance clubs...Patti Heyl
...you remember getting your first
grade class picture, with Mrs. Oliverio, taken on the hillside next to the OLD Hebron building. Ed McWhirter
...you remember sitting on the sidewalk at Shenandoah School drawing pictures of the
last four houses on Idaho Ave. in Mr. Cooper's art class. Mrs. Hankey was the lunch lady and Mr. Gregory the gym teacher
was "cool".
...you remember there was a "party on the hill" every Friday night on Leechburg
Road with a $2 P.I. (pitch in) for beer.
...you remember when schools were safe and you were allowed to walk outside to change
classes at Linton Intermediate School
...you remember 5 miles thru the streets of Penn Hills,
after school, with other long-distance runners who actually COULD run, just for something to do,
Ed McWhirter '71
...you remember you KNEW you'd get this OLD...(but you really
didn't BELIEVE it). Ed McWhirter '71
...you remember Mr. Troy's business class and Mr. Anthony Miller's Bookkeeping
classes and working at the student store in the senior high at lunch time...
being paid 15.00 a month for so doing... Patricia Capobianco Rossi '63
...you remember goin' up to the A&P to buy a bag of
dried beans and a bar of Ivory soap for Devil's night pranks. John Urankar, '74
...you remember buying a pack of Marlboros at Schwarzel's store at the intersection
of Jefferson, Rodi and Univeral for 50cents then headed over to the pinball wizard next to number 7 firehall to see
what was going on...Mxmiggs@aol.com
...you remember woo-balling your buddy's
car while he was at the movies with a date... AJ Grieneisen, '74
...you remember hanging out at the
Pancake House in Monroeville and seeing how many small plates you could accumulate... AJ Grieneisen, '74
...you remember listening to 'Mother's
Oats' at the Penn Hills Swim Club... AJ Grieneisen, '74
...you remember the homeroom skits
for the magazines sales... AJ Grieneisen, '74
...you remember being chased by Stinky
Davis in a golf cart... AJ Grieneisen, '74
remember ice skating dates at the Monroeville Mall.... AJ Grieneisen, '74
...you remember running behind any
number of Flynn's, Carter's or Hoffman's... AJ Grieneisen, '74
...you remember Strunk's Grocery Store on Verona Rd. and Homestead Rd. Jim Edder Navy Vet. Norfolk VA. PHHS
...you remember Forbes Elementary School on Saltsburg Rd. Jim
Edder, Navy Vet. Norfolk VA. PHHS "84"
...you remember going to arts and crafts during the summer at
Rosedale Fire hall and the best playground around. Jim Edder Navy Vet. Norfolk VA. PHHS "84"
...you remember getting your first hair cut at Joe's Barber Shop
on Verona Rd. by Rosedale Fire hall. Jim Edder Navy Vet. Norfolk VA. PHHS "84"
...you remember sled riding at Green Oak's Country Club. (Took
my Son there 6 years ago still great fun.) Jim Edder, Navy Vet. Norfolk VA. PHHS "84"
...you remember Mr. Kumer's big elbow, during Gym and Health class Jim Edder, Navy Vet. Notfolk VA. PHHS "84"
...you remember that great pizza they
made at Penn Agua Club, for 35 cents a slice. EHM '71
...you remember what a big deal it was to be the first 10th-grade class
at Linton, Then you revisit the place with your old friend John O'Donnell, and you remember NOTHING, except those little multi-colored
tiles on the sides of the building. EHM '71
...you remember Universal School and Mrs. White and Miss
Davidson. Miss Davidson used to talk about cranking her old Model T to get it started. Jean
Oertel, '62
...you remember going to Piggly Wiggly's in Homewood to buy beer. Rona Peckich '77
...you remember going to Crazy Park
(Frick Park) to party. Rona Peckich '77
...you remember summer vacation's at the Jersey shore. Rona Peckich '77
...you remember going to Blessed Sacrament
(OLMBS). Rona Peckich '77
remember undying school spirit... Rona Peckich '77
...you remember the school picnics at Kennywood. Rona Peckich '77
...you remember what a GREAT time it was growing up in Penn Hills Rona Peckich '77
...you remember walking
to Pentlong Pharmacy on Long Road, to get a comic book which was only 10-12 cents in the 60's. Jim Badali '74
...you remember Mrs. Claus as your 1st grade teacher in the old Hebron
school on the hill; you were taught the Virginia Reel and square dancing in gym class; or when Donnie Wilson and George Karl
took Penn Hills to the state finals in '69. Mark Pie
...you remember Pentlong Pharmacy was where your family went on their way
home from work for a quick bottle of ketchup, bread, milk, butcher stuff (Sawdust Through Most Of The Isles), the gumball
machines just inside the door, and the soda fountain on the left (which even in the early 60s, was almost a thing of
the past). What was that unique smell of the store? I'll bet if you took a couple seconds, you'd remember 40-50 years
ago, like it was yesterday. EHM 71
...you remember the rivalry between Penn Junior and Seneca Junior. Michele Chobanian
Lang '75
...you remember Phil Hemehem, and the announcements about him over the PA system in
homeroom. Michele Chobanian Lang '75
...you remember art with Mr. Kuzmin at Washington Elementary and if you were a lefty, they only
had a few pairs of lefty scissors on the big budget LOL. I remember being in a class with six lefties...and two pairs
of lefty scissors. So then you'd be forced to use right-handed scissors...the kiss of death for a lefty child. Michele
Chobanian Lang '75
...you remember being on bus patrol as a sixth grader, wearing that white belt and
badge, a teacher calling out room numbers for students to run to the rooms to board buses in what seemed like 30 seconds or
less, and then you got on the bus and patrolled the bus aisle as if you were Penn Hills Cop of the Year! Michele Chobanian
Lang '75
...you remember art class at Penn Junior with Miss Matone, and how she
let us play 45s on the record player for creativity in the art room. "Love on a Two-Way Street," "Hey There, Lonely
Girl" and "Grazin' in the Grass" were played over and over and ooooooover again (C'mon, sing along:
I can dig it he can dig it she can dig it we can dig it they can dig it you can dig it, oh let's dig it, can you
dig it baby?) Funny thing, though...my art projects never improved! Michele Chobanian
Lang '75
...you can remember when there were a
multitude of elementary schools, two Junior High Schools (7th & 8th grades), one Middle School (9th
and 10th grades) and one Senior High School (11th & 12th grades). Dean
Meixner '87
...you remember the girls one piece gym uniforms Barb '72
...you remember trying to get back into the overturned canoe in swimming class
at Linton Barb '72
...you remember 100's of kids Barb '72
...you remember 3 in a seat per school bus Barb '72
...you remember flying down Hunter Rd. to Wm. McKinley before they built Shenandoah
Barb '72
...you remember going out just to ride around, going nowhere and everywhere
and doing it all night Barb '72
...you remember watching Chiller Theater Barb '72
...you remember how long commencements took Barb '72
...you remember when the policemen were shot at East Hills SC Barb
...you remember realizing now, how blissfully innocent we were. Barb
...you remember the canoe-thing at Linton, that someone remembered above (talk
about a tucked away memory!) Ed McWhirter '71
...you remember that strong chlorine smell of the new pool? Ed McWhirter
... you remember arts and crafts during summer vacation at Ben Franklin Elementary
and watching 4th of July fireworks at Longue Vue Country Club. Maura McIntyre
Oravik, '84
...you remember the uh, "lovely" choices we girls had in gym suits...quite the fashion statement!
Dark blue bloomer-types or orange and white polyester striped one piece zip ups. Additionally, the
humiliating task of having to pick a gym suit out of a box of used or old ones if you forgot your own to wear for
class?...by the way, hi to everyone from my class!... Carol Lombardo '77
.... you
remember kissing your girl on the "dark rides" at Kennywood for so long you didn't know what the ride was about... and didn't
care. Bobby Williams '72
remember going to Forbes Road East Vo-Tech and running the school because there were so many of
us there, having study halls in the auditorium, and having three shifts for lunch because of the sheer number
of students. Phil Cardone '79